Sunday, August 11, 2013

Violet hair, don't care.

About 4 years ago I woke up and decided I wanted violet hair. Upon hearing this my husband shook his head and shook it all the way to work. I am sure he shook it that whole day too. Did it stop me?


For about a year I wore violet and dark blue highlights. I felt that it wasn't enough because if I am going to put purple in my hair-then it better be purple. So, I let it grow out and the violet became gray and the gray became this weird blonde color and for a good year people complimented me on my blonde highlights. If they only knew that was not the look I was going for.

Then a friend moved to town-and she does hair. I told her I wanted my violet back but that I wanted it ALL OVER. Not to be scared to put it ALL OVER. We booked the appointment and this is what happened...

This is what happens when your iphone is dying and you need to charge it. You just publicly announced to the intersection at carlisly and indian school that you are indeed getting violet hair.

The end result?

THIS is what I am talking about.

I am 36 and I have violet hair-don't care. My entire life I have tried to live spontaneously. Why should we stop as we get older? We have one life! Why am I sharing with you my journey of violet hair?

I have had people in my life close to me just come right out and tell me I am too old to have purple hair. Who says? The awesome thing is, 99% of people love it and tell me they could never pull it off. I'm here to tell you, you can. Do something spontaneous! Whether it's dying your hair violet or blue or pink! Go out and do something you have never done before-do one thing everyday that scares you!

"You are confined only by the walls you build yourself"

Live your life. Now.

And don't sleep with your hair in a bun. ever.

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